Showing posts with label types of variables statistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label types of variables statistics. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11

Introduction of Statistics

The modern development in the field of not only management, commerce, finance, social sciences, mathematics and so on but also in our life like public services, defence, banking, insurance sector, tourism and hospitality, police and military etc. are dependent on statistics. Learning statistics plays a vital role in enriching a specific domain by collecting data in that field, analyzing the data by applying various statistical techniques and finally making statistical inferences. Government applies statistics to make the economic planning in an effective way. A business man applies statistics to make his economic plan. Researchers learn statistics and apply it to present their research papers in an authoritative manner. Thus we see that statistics is applied in all walks of life.

Statistics history:

The origin of the word ‘statistics ‘ remains a mystery even though it was used in the ancient and medieval period. In those days, statistics was analogous to state or the data that are collected and maintained for the welfare of the people belonging to the state. Ancient Indian rulers, kept records of births and deaths. In the 16th century, also the kings and monarchs kept records of agriculture. In Egypt, the first census was conducted by the Pharaoh  during 300 B.C. to 2000 B.C.

What is statistics?

We may define statistics either in a singular sense or in a plural sense Statistics, when used as a plural noun, may be defined as data qualitative as well as quantitative, that are collected usually with a view of having statistical analysis.

Statistics, when used as a singular noun, may be defined, as the scientific method that is employed for collecting, analyzing and presenting data, leading finally to drawing statistical inferences about some important characteristics it means it is ‘science of counting’ or ‘science of averages’.

Variables statistics:

A variable is statistics is the parameter or attribute of which data is gathered for purpose of study. For any given study there can be one or more variables. The variable essential describes a thing, place, person or an idea all collectively called entities. The value of variable of each entity is different.

Types of variables Statistics:

Statistical variables are mainly classified as qualitative or quantitative variables. Qualitative variables refer to some adjective of the entity where as quantitative variables would have a number as its value always.
Quantitative variable can be of two types:  discrete or continuous variable.  A discrete variable will always assume an integral value where as a continuous variable can assume any real number value.