Monday, August 16

Introduction to Analytic Geometry

Let us learn about Analytic Geometry.

Introduction to Analytic Geometry:

In plane analytic geometry, points are defined as ordered pairs of numbers, say, (x, y), while the straight lines are in turn defined as the sets of points that satisfy linear equations.

Analytic Geometry is a branch of algebra that is used to model geometric objects - points, (straight) lines, and circles being the most basic of these. Analytic geometry is a great invention of Descartes and Fermat. Analytical geometry is also known as coordinate geometry or Analytical Cartesian coordinate system.

The study of analytical geometry related to coordinate system and the principles of algebra and analysis. The synthetic approach of Euclidean geometry is the contrast geometry, which treats certain geometric notions as primitive, and uses deductive reasoning based on axioms and theorems to derive truth.

I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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