Friday, August 6

how to calculate pi

Let us learn how to calculate pi

π (sometimes written pi) is a mathematical constant and its value is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
  • pi is a dimensionless quantity.
  • It is an irrational as well as transcendental number.
  • Decimal notation of pi is 3.141592.
  • Fraction notation of pi is 22/7

Practically a physicist usually needs only 39 digits of Pi to make a circle same as the size of the observable universe accurate to one atom of hydrogen, the number itself depicts as a mathematical curiosity has created many challenges in different fields.
In our next blog we shall learn about water pollution statistics I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your

Thursday, August 5

square root of 18

Let us find out square root of 18

In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number r such that r2 = x or, in other words, a number r whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself) is x.
Example for square of a number 6 is 6 × 6 = 36; therefore the square root of 49 is 7. The square root representation is nothing but √x.

Example Problems Based on Simplify the Square Root of 18:

The example problems based on simplify the square root of 18 is given below that,
· Prime Factorization Method - Simplify the square root of 18.
We have to find prime factorization of 18.
Therefore, the prime factor of 18 is 2 x 3 x 3.
We have to create a pair of each factor.
Therefore, 18 = 2 x 3 x 3
Now, we have to find one factor as of each pair, we get 3.
Formation of the square root = 3√2
The concluding answer for simplify the square root of 18 is 3√2
In our next blog we shall learn about "linear algebra toolkit"

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Wednesday, August 4

polar graphs

Let us learn about polar graphs

Polar Graph, Rules of Symmetry

  • If in the polar equation, (r, θ) can be substituted by (r, - θ) or (- r, π - θ) , then graph is symmetric with respect to polar axis.
  • If polar equation, (r, θ) is substituted by (- r, θ) or (r, π + θ) , the graph is symmetric with respect to the pole or origin.
  • If polar equation, (r, θ) can be substituted by (r, π - θ) or (- r, - θ) , the graph is symmetric with respect to the line θ = π/2.

In mathematics, the polar equations can be plotted over a graph. These polar graphs are formed by the intersection of points of the geometry conics. These consist of some smooth edge values. The polar equations consist of a inflection point. In polar graph calculator article, guides you to plot graphs for the polar equations.

In our next blog we shall learn about "deductive reasoning examples"

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Saturday, July 31

Radian to degree

Let us learn about radian to degree

To convert radians to degrees, we make use of the fact that p radians equals one half circle, or 180º.
This means that if we divide radians by p, the answer is the number of half circles. Multiplying this by 180º will tell us the answer in degrees.
So, to convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/p, like this:
degrees=radian x 180/╥

Converting degrees to radians:

To convert degrees to radians, first find the number of half circles in the answer by dividing by 180º. But each half circle equals p radians, so multiply the number of half circles by p.
So, to convert degrees to radians, multiply by p/180, like this:
radian = degrees x ╥/180

The radian is calculated an angle defined such that an angle of radian subtended from the middle of a circle built an arc with arc length one.
Radians are the angel calculating in calculus because they allow derived and integral identities to be written in algebra terms
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Tuesday, July 27

derivative of sin

Let us learn about Derivative of sin

The derivative of a function at a point measures the rate at which the function's value changes as the function's argument changes. That is, a derivative provides a mathematical formulation of the notion of rate of change. As it turns out, the derivative is an extremely versatile concept which can be viewed in many different ways. For example, referring to the two-dimensional graph of f, the derivative can also be regarded as the slope of the tangent to the graph at the point x. The slope of this tangent can be approximated by a secant. Given this geometrical interpretation, it is not surprising that derivatives can be used to determine many geometrical properties of graphs of functions, such as concavity or convexity.
In mathematics, the trigonometric functions are functions of an angle. It is also called as circular function. They are used to relate the angles of a triangle to the lengths of the sides of a triangle. The most familiar trigonometric functions are the sine, cosine, and tangent. Six trigonometric functions are one-to-one; they must be restricted in order to have inverse function. Integrate the function f(x) with respect to x can be written as ⌠f(x) dx.
Except where otherwise noted, the trigonometric functions take a radian angle as input and the inverse trigonometric functions return radian angles.
The ordinary trigonometric functions are single-valued functions defined everywhere in the complex plane (except at the poles of tan, sec, csc, and cot). They are defined generally via the exponential function, e.g.
cos(x) = e^ix+e^-ix/2
The inverse trigonometric functions are multivalued, thus requiring branch cuts, and are generally real-valued only on a part of the real line. Definitions and branch cuts are given in the documentation of each function. The branch cut conventions used by mpmath are essentially the same as those found in most standard mathematical software, such as Mathematica and Python’s own cmath libary (as of Python 2.6; earlier Python versions implement some functions erroneously).
In our next blog we shall learn about "how many sides does a hexagon have"

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Monday, July 26

picture graph

Let us learn about "picture graph"
A picture graph uses pictures or symbols to show data.
Graphs are pictures that help us understand amounts. These amounts are called data. There are many kinds of graphs, each having special parts.
A Line graph picture is one of the line charts. It is very easy to understand the data’s. We can compare two variables in line graph pictures. On Line graph pictures each variable is plotting along an axis. A graph picture has a vertical and horizontal axis. Let we learn about line graph pictures.

Graph Pictures:

Following statements are necessary for line graph pictures.
  • A line graph picture is a visual display used to determine up to the frequency of incidence of different character of data.
  • Give a summary of the information at top on line graph pictures (Title).
  • Axes are denoted by what information is presenting on the each axes. It is representing data groups.
  • They are best one to showing information (values of data) and easy to make graph pictures.
Basic needs for graph pictures:
  • We should give a clearly summary about information (data) and then place the title for them.
  • First we can decide how to make a line graph with axis.
  • Assign the value to horizontal axis and vertical axis.
  • Apply the given values on hor
if you need more help, you can click on link online graph paper
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Thursday, July 22

Frequency polygon

Hi Friends, Good Afternoon!!!

Let us learn about "Frequency polygon"

In a frequency distribution, the mid-value of each class is obtained. Then on the graph paper, the frequency is plotted against the corresponding mid-value. These points are joined by straight lines. These straight lines may be extended in both directions to meet the X - axis to form a polygon.

Facts and figures as such do not catch our attention unless they are presented in an interesting way. Graphical representation of data is one of the most commonly used modes of presentation. The different types of graphs are Bar graphs, Pie charts, Frequency polygon, on the link to learn how to make a histogram

Frequency polygons are a graphical device for understanding the shapes of distributions. They serve the same purpose as histograms, but are especially helpful in comparing sets of data. Frequency polygons are also a good choice for displaying cumulative frequency distributions.

To create a frequency polygon, start just as for histograms, by choosing a class interval. Then draw an X-axis representing the values of the scores in your data. Mark the middle of each class interval with a tick mark, and label it with the middle value represented by the class. Draw the Y-axis to indicate the frequency of each class. Place a point in the middle of each class interval at the height corresponding to its frequency. Finally, connect the points. You should include one class interval below the lowest value in your data and one above the highest value. The graph will then touch the X-axis on both sides.

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