Let's learn about Like Decimals in today's post.
There are two kinds of decimals: like and unlike decimals. Like decimals are those which has the sample decimal place values and unlike decimals are those which have different decimal place values.
Next time i will help you with equations with decimals. You can also get your help from an algebra tutor.
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There are two kinds of decimals: like and unlike decimals. Like decimals are those which has the sample decimal place values and unlike decimals are those which have different decimal place values.
- Examples of like decimals are: 2.46, 7.89, 4.55 and so on.
- Examples of unlike decimals are: 2.4, 2.44, 5.678 and so on.
Next time i will help you with equations with decimals. You can also get your help from an algebra tutor.
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